Kongressen ICBEN 2021 blir digital

Den internationella kongressen ICBEN (International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise) skulle ha hållits i Stockholm 2020 men blev framflyttad ett år. Det är nu bestämt att kongressen kommer att hållas digitalt den 14-17 juni 2021.

I dagarna meddelade den lokala organisationskommittén för ICBEN i Stockholm att man fattat nya beslut angående 2021-års konferens. Nedan föjer den information som gått ut till ICBEN:s medlemmar:

Dear ICBEN colleagues and friends,

2020 has been an extraordinary and challenging year for people all over the world, which is why we had to postpone the ICBEN congress by one year.

Today, after weighing all options and careful consideration, we are happy to announce that for the first time in our congress history the event “ICBEN2021” will be held digitally!

The ICBEN 2021 organizational committee is working hard to arrange the congress in a new remote format and keep it as engaging as our usual congresses. Those who have submitted an abstract earlier will be able to withdraw, revise or leave as is any time before the new deadline 1 February 2021. Congress fees will be reduced. Detailed information will follow early in 2021.

Meanwhile stay safe and save the dates:
1 February 2021: ICBEN 2021 abstract submission deadline
1 March 2021: ICBEN 2021 abstract acceptance notification
15 April 2021: ICBEN 2021 cancellation deadline & full paper submission deadline, early-bird registration
14-17 June 2021: ICBEN 2021 

Follow the news on:

We wish you Happy Holiday and look forward to seeing you virtually at ICBEN 2021!

Maria Albin & Jenny Selander
Karolinska Institutet Congress Chairwomen

Andrei Pyko & Charlotta Eriksson
Secretariat of ICBEN2020/21

Mathias Basner, Mark Brink & Sabine Janssen
ICBEN Executive Committee”

Publicerad 2020-12-22